- $13,900,000 Verdict for two police officers who tripped and fell
- $4,750,000 Settlement for a police officer injured in the line of duty with bilateral knee injuries
- $3,250,000 Settlement for a police officer injured in the line of duty suffering knee and back injuries
- $2,950,000 Settlement for a pedestrian clipped by a News York City sanitation truck causing him to fall to the ground striking his head
- $2,550,000 Verdict for a police officer who tripped and fell on debris in a city owned parking lot fracturing his wrist requiring surgery who was retired on disability
- $2,100,000 Settlement for a passenger who suffered back injuries in a vehicle which was rear ended
- $2,100,000 Verdict for a construction worker who aggravated a prior back injury when a heavy object fell upon him
- $2,100,000 Settlement for a New York City police officer injured in a friendly fire incident
- $1,750,000 Verdict for a Nassau County police officer slashed by an assailant
- $1,750,000 Settlement for a plant worker who was caused to slip and fall fracturing his hip, wrist and elbow
- $1,730,000 Settlement for an off duty police officer injured in a motorcycle accident
- $1,500,000 Verdict for a police officer injured in a friendly fire incident who required surgery to have the bullet removed from his body
- $1,500,000 Settlement with the State of New York due to an unsafe intersection causing a motorcycle accident
- $1,250,000 Verdict in favor of a police officer injured due to defective stairs while investigating a burglary
- $1,050,000 Settlement for a police officer who slipped and fell in an icy parking lot injuring her back
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