Construction work is too frequently made more dangerous than it should be due to negligence or violations of the governing statutes, rules and regulations. The law requires that construction workers be provided with safe working conditions whether they are involved in construction, renovation, or demolition work. Unsafe scaffolding, walking surfaces, ladders, defective tools and equipment, inadequate personal protective equipment and unsafe machines are only a few of the causes of construction accidents for which injured workers may be entitled to compensation.
The Law Office of Frank Laine has represented construction workers involved in accidents for decades obtaining them the compensation they are entitled to. This compensation must frequently provide for their financial needs for the rest of their lives if their injuries prevent them from returning to work. Injured construction workers should have an attorney with the knowledge and experience necessary to obtain the full compensation to which they are entitled. The attorneys at Frank J. Laine, P.C. have been successfully handling construction accident cases for decades, obtaining the full compensation our clients are entitled to. You should feel comfortable entrusting your important legal matter with us while you focus on your recovery.