Firefighters are frequently injured in the line of duty by property owners who are negligent or violate statutes, rules and regulations. New York State enacted legislation to protect firefighters who were injured due to the violation of certain laws, rules or regulations. Firefighters are now able to recover damages from parties who caused their injuries. If you are a firefighter who was injured in the line of duty, whether at a fire, on the way to the scene, or otherwise, you may be entitled to compensation if another party was negligent or negligently violated any one of a number of statutes, rules or regulations. Firefighters injured in the line of duty should retain an attorney knowledgeable in this area of the law who has successfully handled injured firefighter cases in the past. The attorneys at Frank J. Laine, P.C. have been successfully handling cases involving firefighters injured in the line of duty for decades, obtaining the full compensation our clients are entitled to in virtually every type of accident and injury imaginable. You should feel comfortable entrusting your important legal matter with us while you focus on your recovery.